The Wildcat Protocol
Massively configurable, unopinionated, hands-off un(der)collateralised on-chain credit rails.
This Gitbook recently underwent substantial changes to incorporate Wildcat V2 details. Something you don't understand? Something missing? Fire a message to @functi0nZer0 on Twitter/X and watch him do Things That Don't Scale!
Hi there.
Welcome to the Wildcat protocol documentation.
We recognise that a protocol Gitbook is - as a rule - read by three distinct categories of people:
Potential users and researchers working out if something is actually useful,
Security auditors working out if something is actually broken, and
Lawyers and regulators working out if something is actually legal.
With that in mind, we'll keep this high-level page brief.
You might as well start at the beginning.
Contract deployments, gas profiles etc can be found under the following section:
Technical OverviewMore specifically, if you're taking part in an audit or validating a potential bug, please refer to:
Security/Developer DivesIf you're interested in reading about our on-chain protection or previous security reviews:
Security MeasuresLawyers/Regulators:
LegalBeyond that, the documentation is yours to enjoy (or not) at your leisure.
Hic sunt dragones.
Last updated