The Wildcat Protocol

Massively configurable, unopinionated, hands-off un(der)collateralised on-chain credit rails.

Hi there.

Welcome to the Wildcat protocol documentation.

We recognise that a protocol Gitbook is - as a rule - read by three distinct categories of people:

  • Potential users and researchers working out if something is actually useful,

  • Security auditors working out if something is actually broken, and

  • Lawyers and regulators working out if something is actually legal.

With that in mind, we'll keep this high-level page brief.


You might as well start at the beginning.



Contract deployments, gas profiles etc can be found under the following section:

Technical Overview

More specifically, if you're taking part in an audit or validating a potential bug, please refer to:

Security/Developer Dives

If you're interested in reading about our on-chain protection or previous security reviews:

Security Measures



Beyond that, the documentation is yours to enjoy (or not) at your leisure.

Hic sunt dragones.

Last updated