Fixed Term Loan Hooks

The fixed term loan hooks template is identical to the access control hooks template with one additional feature - the borrower can define a timestamp before which the market is considered a "closed term" loan, where withdrawals are disallowed. This expiry time can be reduced but can not be set to a later date after deployment.


When deploying a market, the borrower must provide an ABI encoded timestamp for the market's fixedTermEndTime in the hooksData field of HooksFactory.deployMarket or HooksFactory.deployMarketAndHooks. This time cannot be in the past and can not be more than one year in the future. They can optionally provide a minimum deposit amount by setting hooksData to the ABI encoded tuple (fixedTermEndTime, minimumDeposit).

The onQueueWithdrawal hook will always be enabled, but will only require access if the borrower's provided config had useOnQueueWithdrawal enabled, which will also affect the transfer and deposit hooks in the same way as AccessControlHooks.

Last updated